

As Vasanth held Shilpa hands, the handsome groom’s senses reeled His magic touch, a sense of fascination, two hearts as one entangled. The journey of two best friends persisting for life as husband and wife is the best thing to occur.

Love bounces from the bottom of the heart and grazes the soul of two young intellects –anushiya and Arun Teja. Their heartbeat syncs with each other while striving for the prayers of elders. Until yesterday they understood each other today; they were connecting for a lifetime, creating an atmosphere of bliss for family members, visitors, and us.

Meenakshi & Rishabh Shiny yellow rays, percolating from the windows, extended the warmness of love and radiance on the bride, Meenakshi, conveying the bright life ahead with rishabh. Grazing her shoulder, Balaji basked in her eyes while the bride’s gentle smile and tender breath awakened the deep emotion of togetherness. The couple’s engagement and celebration were halfway through their exceptional marriage. As the elders swapped the Thamboolam, the two hearts made a consummate promise of fulfilling each other’s needs. When the couple switched the fragrance, happiness knew no springs.

The elevated marriage hall came to life after the stunning bride got down from her chariot and footed inside the bright spot. The classic welcome she was provided certainly had her smiling. Anticipations can set off pleasure. A #Marriage in the offing conveys tremendous joy to the two lovely hearts fated to join. All were welcome to the marriage of kishore kumar and rajeshwari.